
Interested in diversifying your workforce with people living with disabilities?

Partner your organization, nonprofit, for-profit, or government entity with the Cook Inclusive Company! The Cook Inclusive Company is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit that creates personalized disabled employment programs that best suit the needs of businesses and the disability community. Click here to schedule a business consultation

Partnership Opportunities

Personalized Programs

Work with businesses to identify staffing needs and best places to match our employees with disabilities.

Evidence-Based Curriculum

Provide structured training & program materials to ensure successful job placement

DVR Host Site Registration

Register your business as a host site of DVR to employ people living with disabilities.

Job Placement

Match candidates with disabilities to employers through DVR at no salary cost to the business.

JEDI Trainings

Educating your business and staff on justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. Virtual and in-person seminars available.

Business Consulting

Business consultations to educate, inform and discuss opportunities to employ people living with disabilities.